So, to my great surprise, I actually have two weeks away from work for Christmas.
For those wondering what happened to this blog, ‘work’ is the only answer I can give, so this break lets me get going on a few things I’ve been thinking on.
Firstly, the project thats up in my re-write of ONSET: To Serve and Protect. There’s a few agendas going on in this re-write, one of them is adding more of a horror aspect to many parts of the story (which involves taking a degree of agency away from my main character. But, let’s be honest, David White has a giant stick up his rectum, agency is bad for him!). So far so good, the biggest issue is going to be that this will probably kick the novel to around 125,000 words based on the current expansion. Which means I’ll have to go back after the re-write and cut it down.
Seeing as how I’m barely six chapters in to a 47 chapter novel and I promised an Evil Agent that this would be done in October… I have some catching up to do!
Secondly, I really need to get going again on the Changeling sequel. The next scene involves a gay werewolf gun dealer, so I have no idea why its taken me so long to get to writing it! I enjoy the new writing more than the edit/re-write process, so I may end up using this as part of my motivation for the re-write – “edit ten chapters and you can write another scene with a gay werewolf gun dealer.”
My third project is for my actual real school. And the fourth is to somehow manage to destress and recharge.
Holidays are awesome. Mine look rather busy with writing. It’s time to do some catching up.
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