First of all, I hope everyone has had / is having a Happy Hannukah, Merry Christmas, Blessed Yule, or general Happy Winter Holiday!
2014 has been an incredible year for me from a writing perspective. Late 2013 I launched Starship’s Mage: Episode 1, and the response by the beginning of 2014 had been pretty lackluster. I figured this was not entirely unexpected for a single novella lurking in the lost depths of Amazon, so I continued writing the other Episodes. They have slowly but surely grown all along the way, finally exploding this December with the release of Starship’s Mage: Episode 5 and Starship’s Mage: Omnibus.
As of Christmas Day, I had sold over 10,000 e-books, and given away another 2,000 copies of Starship’s Mage: Episode 1.
While this is no threat to my day job (yet…), its certainly gratifying and definitely motivates me to continue writing and self-publishing into 2015!
For 2015, I’ve set a few goals – some are fixed, and I’m ninety-plus percent sure I can make them, and some are a little more out of my contorl.
1. Complete Space Carrier Avalon and release for the announced date of May 2015.
(Space Carrier Avalon is a space opera about cold war, honor, and the prices soldiers pay to defend their homes.)
2. Complete Mage King’s Hand and release for the announced date of September 2015.
(Mage King’s Hand is the next Damien Montgomery novel.)
These two I’m pretty confident on, or I would never have announced the dates in public XD
3. Complete a third novel for my agent, probably a sidequel to one of the two urban fantasy universes that he is already shopping around.
4. If the stars somehow, miraculously, align, write a fourth novel. I have a specific idea for this one, but its waay out of genre for me (a westerns-inspired epic fantasy), so we’ll see.
Lastly, I’m still hoping for a publishing contract via my agent, though that is sadly beyond my control.
Going forward, I’m hoping to get to three novels self-published in any given year, which may happen in 2014, if those stars align.
Happy reading, happy holidays, and Happy New Year everyone.
Glynn Stewart
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