Title: A Publishing Imprint of One — Interview with Glynn Stewart
Source: diymfa.com
Interviewer: Gabriela Pereira
Summary: In this interview, Glynn and Gabriela discuss why he shifted his thinking about self-publishing and how that made all the difference. Glynn shares what it means to write as creative versus as commodity and the third path he chose. They share tips on how to connect with your ideal readers, even ones who aren’t able to find you easily. Glynn reveals his process for doing due diligence when he writes diverse points of view. Glynn and Gabriela talk about the possibilities for creating unexpected non-human characters in your stories. They also discuss how he manages to be so prolific, while also maintaining the quality of his work.
Length: 1 hr
Air Date: December 4, 2020. Interview was up for a limited period of time as part of the Writer Igniter SF&F Summit.