The Castle Federation series is a far-future transhumanist space opera where the Terran Commonwealth, driven by their vision of Unification, are determined to bring all of human space under the rule of Earth.
They were stymied for thirty years by the forces of the Alliance of Free Stars, a multi-national force led by the Castle Federation and the Coraline Imperium.
Now, after three decades of cold war, the Commonwealth is moving again…
The series began in 2015 with Space Carrier Avalon, and ran until 2017 with Operation Medusa.
Now, Glynn Stewart’s beloved transhumanist space opera returns with Admiral’s Oath as of January 11, 2022.
When we begin…
The series focuses on the development of Kyle Roberts from a relatively low-ranking Commander, Air Group, to the architect of the operation that turns the tide of the war and the choices and sacrifices he and his comrades make along the way.
Roberts didn’t expect that a job on the decommissioned Avalon would result in both the end of peacetime and his career as a starfighter pilot. Now he has a new position in the Navy, impossible expectations to live up to, and finds himself on the losing side of a war.
Will he live up to the name of Stellar Fox, or will the Commonwealth conquer the Alliance of the Free Stars?
And when we return…
Admiral’s Oath launches the Dakotan Confederacy series and begins a brand-new adventure starring Commonwealth Admiral James Tecumseh.
After a crushing defeat of the Commonwealth that cuts off communication with Earth, Tecumseh finds himself with power he didn’t ask for.
The Admiral is forced to choose between upholding the principles of democracy, or to turn warlord in the name of stability.
Preorder Admiral’s Oath now, or start your Castle Federation adventure with Space Carrier Avalon.
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