So, with another year finished (though I’ll admit to not remembering exactly what day I started this blog) I’m spending a bit of time considering on writing and this blog.
Over christmas I was moderately successful with my ‘add horror’ project with ONSET, which I’m hoping to finish by the end of January. Sadly, reworking the first book like this has led me to the conclusion that I actually dislike my long term plan for the series, so I will be sketching an entirely new, probably much shorter, arc for the ONSET books. I think at least part of my currently started sequel is salvagable, but I know I’m throwing out most of the intended plot.
I am assured by the lovely young lady acting as my cover artist / PR guru that there will be a cover for Children of the Twain by the end of the month or so. If that is the case and the ONSET re-write is finished, I will put aside several weeks to go over Children of the Twain again and see if there is any more polishing or tweaking needed. It will likely be self e-book published (hence PR guru. I’m an accountant and a writer, not a marketing person) in March.
(The remainder of my books, including the rewritten ONSET and the Changeling sequel sitting in the back of my head complaining about these rewrites of school, will remain with my agent in the hopes of more traditional publishing success)
Flowing from that is that there will likely be some minor and medium changes around here, as we re-consider the purpose of this blog and start ramping it up a bit with the expectation of an available book in the near future. In the interests of polishing up the right parts, I’m opening the floor to the peanut gallery. What interests you that you’ve seen here you’d like to see more of? What do you think I should start doing?
All thoughts and commentary are welcome!
Glynn Stewart
PR Not-a-Guru checking in. Speaking of site changes, does anyone have ideas on how to block spam without going the full site registration route? It’s a been a huge concern for us.
By the way, I got an email this morning with the title “ONSET w/ Added Horror”. It had a RTF attached. I think the rewrite went well.